Wednesday, 24 September 2014

Maths Term 3 (Strand)

WALT order and compare objects or events by length  by direct comparison using a gingerbread man shape.

Student Voice " I can measure my book using a ruler and say how long it is".

Tuesday, 16 September 2014

Friday, 12 September 2014

Term 3 Writing

WALT write a recount.
SUCCESS CRITERIA We will have written about an event that has happened. We will have answered some of these questions - who, what, when,why, when? 

In the holidays I went to Sabrina's birthday party. I had lots of fun.

Student voice- I have answered what? when? who? why? 

Thursday, 11 September 2014

Term 3 Maths

We are learning to  count from 1- 100. 
We can do this when we can say all the numbers in order up to 100. 

Our next learning step is to count backwards from 100 - 1. 

Student Voice - " I can count from 1-100 as long as i ma really thinking".