Sunday, 29 March 2015

T1 Football Coaching

We were very lucky to get some football coaching from Sport Canterbury.
The girls learnt soccer from a female coach and the boys from a male coach.
We learnt to control the ball by playing games like Sponge Bob Square Pants, Zombie tag and Rob the nest.
Then we played a game of four a-side without a goalkeeper.

T1 Writing

We are learning to...
·      write a personal recount about something we have done or experienced
·      have an opening statement that tells who what and when
·      write the events in the order they happened

·      have a conclusion or personal response

My New Friend

I have a new friend. We are going to play at lunch time when we go to play and it will be fun.
When I go home then I went to bed. In the morning I got up. I felt happy because it is another day off school.

Teacher comment: You have tried hard to write a recount. To make it more interesting for the reader, try to add some more details. What game did you play with your new friend?

Saturday, 28 March 2015

T1 2015 Art with Mr Shaskey

We are learning to follow instructions to draw a sketch of a person, and place the features correctly on the face.


Student voice: