Friday, 15 September 2017

Integrated Learning Presentation

I have presented my narrative using…book creator.

I worked with…Maddy & Tamara.

My narrative showed empathy by...the characters never giving up when it was hard.

The thing I enjoyed most about this learning was… Making a book.

Something I learnt about Myths and Legends was...that you can make up your own Myth or Legends.

Thursday, 14 September 2017

Art Attact

learning Goals for Term 3.

 reading teacher is Mr Forman.
my writing teacher is Mr Forman.

so what

my handwriting goal is is to learn how to do  it on a lean.

my spelling goal is to complete list 4.

my writing goal is to write about a moment in time.
i have been identifying my literacy goals for the start of term 3.
My reading goal is to get better at my learning.